Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Left 4 Dead Full Game

Left 4 Dead

Fairfield Municipal Park (Unconfirmed but assumed to be overrun) ― This may be CEDA's first outdoor evacuation center (other than Bienville Park). This site was created before CEDA began the panic of thinking the virus was airborne and enforce new security measures such as face masks and decontamination trailers.

Hewlitt Recreation Center (Overrun) ― The recreation center was probably similar to a community center where CEDA set up another evac site. This was perhaps one of the first evacuation centers to be overrun with Infected. Similar to school evac sites, this was probably used as temporary shelter for citizens to take refuge.

Brigham Junior High School (Overrun) ― A junior high school located in Fairfield, this was one of possibly several schools used as an evacuation center. This site was similar in the movie Resident Evil: Apocalypse where survivors made their way inside the junior high school.

Fairfield Civic Arena (Overrun) ― Fairfield's possible main evacuation center was the civic arena due to its large capacity capable of holding many citizens. CEDA probably focused more on this evacuation center due to the higher numbers of people and its location. However, due to its large number capability and the risk that CEDA wasn't able to screen everyone or didn't have time to screen everyone, infected people had made their way to the site and easily overran the evac site.
Borden High School (Overrun) ― A local high school in the City of Fairfield, this was possibly one of the remaining evacuation centers in the entire city (other than Mercy Hospital). With the city overrun with infected, survivors pulled out to the outer edges of the city making their way to the nearby town of Riverside possibly bringing the virus with them. This is similar to the 2010 film The Crazies where the U.S. Army sets up a screening and quarantine facility in the local high school before infected overrun the facility and the military is forced to pull back.

The CEDA banner at Mercy Hospital
Added by 06abrahb
Mercy Hospital (Overrun) ― Designated Evacuation Center #008, it is another one of the main evacuation sites in Fairfield and possibly the initial site of original infected victim. Most citizens ended up here where doctors were still trying to discover and understand the virus while screening citizens, trying to separate the Infected from the uninfected. CEDA possibly used the hospital and its equipment and staff to help diagnose the virus; however, the hospital was overcome very quickly and CEDA probably pulled out via the News Chopper. Many in-game clues also suggest that Mercy Hospital might have been ground zero of the Infection.
Riverside First Church (Overrun) ― With Fairfield being overrun, the military took over the CEDA site and set up a command center in the nearby town of Riverside in hopes to keep the virus contained. Remaining evacuees headed to Riverside in hopes of rescue and were probably stuck waiting at the church until given the okay to enter the town. By then, the Infection had passed on from Fairfield to the outer districts and towns, causing the Infection to reach Riverside. The Army quickly pulled out, deserting any of the survivors in Riverside, which soon also became infected. One of the last remaining survivors of Riverside was probably the Church Guy who finally succumbed to the Infection.
Metro International Airport (Quarantined, bombed by the military and then overrun) ― Travelers from Fairfield may have gotten infected and brought the virus to the City of Newburg, causing the continuous spread of the virus. CEDA tried to quarantine the airport and keep the Infected away from the uninfected population of Newburg; however, once again, they failed and the military ordered an immediate bombing of the airport. This method was ineffective because by the time they bombed the airport and the city, the entire city had already became infected.
Daughtery Farm (Assumed that CEDA was in control of it, then taken over by the military and finally was overrun) ― One of the evacuation centers near Allegheny National Forest was this farm. CEDA told nearby civilians to head to the farmhouse to be rescued; however, since the farm was in the middle of nowhere and the lack of CEDA and military gear and equipment, this evacuation site was easily overrun. Apparently, the City of Newburg or Metro International Airport is somewhat near this forest as a CEDA "Quarantine" poster was in the shed safe room informing people that the airport was quarantined.
Atlanta (Unconfirmed but assumed to be overrun) ― One of the last standing evacuation center cities in the Northeast quadrant according to The Sacrifice, CEDA announced for civilians to make their way there. The military most likely aided in keeping the city secure and safe, but once again, as seen in The Hotel in Dead Center, CEDA failed yet again.

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